App Programming

Our mobile and web development agency Web Peppers has a close-knit team of committed and experienced app developers. The use of Agile methodology enables us to add new features to our software even at the closing stages of our projects. We can also boast the high quality of our products thanks to thorough testing. All our programmers and designers are highly-trained professionals with many successfully completed apps in their resumes. But what skills are development companies interested in when they want to hire a programmer, especially for mobile app programming?
First of all, present-day app programming requires the knowledge of different platforms. If a programmer only knows one OS, the users of other operating systems are left aside, which leads to the loss of profits for businesses.
Another important skill has to do with localizing apps. The market is getting more global, with such countries as China promising huge profits for development companies. App programmers must be able to tailor their apps to suit the needs of specific foreign audiences. For instance, privacy is very important for the European countries. Thus, developers should make sure that their programs ask users to provide information they find appropriate to be used publicly.
And sure enough, it is essential to know the principal technologies used in programming an app. The particular programming language depends on the platform. So, if it is an Apple device, Objective-C or Swift are the weapons of choice. If it is Android, programmers must be well-versed in Java.
The developers at Web Peppers have all the skills mentioned above, plus many more professional and personal qualities that help them deliver the best mobile and web solutions on the market. The software produced by Web Peppers is known for its high quality and excellent performance characteristics.